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Black & Tan Turtle



The Black and Tan Turtle is the ultimate device for creating classic Black and Tans and other layered beers. Formed from premium-grade stainless steel, the endangered Macroclemys Temminicki (alligator snapping turtle) is known to be the animal most closely resembling a black-and-tan spoon, possessing the shell-shape, claws and snappers to be a natural for the job! Perhaps this makes the alligator snapping turtle the stout-lover's best friend?! The claws fit perfectly on a pint glass; the body transforms a stream of stout into tiny rivulets which facilitate layering. The mouth of the snapper makes for a handy bottle opener, too. Last but not least, this snappy guy comes packaged with recipes for ten different half-and-half drinks. A must-have for the stout at heart. Foam follows function.